A voting machine

Electronic voting is easier for owners

At the 2017 AGM the body corporate voted overwhelmingly in favour of electronic voting
‘when the technology became available’. Compliant electronic voting systems became available in 2019 and in 2020 Body Corporate legislation was amended in 2020 to simplify the introduction of electronic voting to ‘allow voters to cast a vote using a computer, smartphone or computer tablet.

However, at the 2021 AGM, the committee, rather than encouraging owners to vote and engage in body corporate decision making, proposed a motion without explanation to revoke the 2017 motion, which unfortunately passed. This intentionally limits the opportunity for owners to vote where they cannot attend meetings. Instead, they must download, complete, scan and email their voting papers (which is not always possible) or rely on postal services which are expensive and unreliable – especially for owners living or travelling interstate or overseas.

This complicated process is eliminated entirely when an owner can ‘cast a vote using a computer, smartphone or computer tablet’.

Southport Central Residential is languishing behind many other bodies corporate. Electronic voting is convenient, cost-effective and improves transparency and accuracy in vote counting. It will enable YOU to vote from anywhere. It is not compulsory, and you can still vote by traditional means or vote in person at the AGM, if that is your preference.

VOTE YES to introduce electronic voting and let owners vote online at all body corporate general meetings.

Posted in News.

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